Author Archives for admin
- 26 mars 2021
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- Posted by admin
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- 12 janvier 2021
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- Posted by admin
- Commentaires fermés sur Sample Page
This is an example page. It’s different from a blog post because it will stay in one place and will show up in your site navigation (in most themes). Most people start with an About page that introduces them to potential site visitors. It might say something like this:
Hi there! I’m a bike messenger by day, aspiring actor by night, and this is my website. I live in Los Angeles, have a great dog named Jack, and I like piña coladas. (And gettin’ caught in the rain.)
…or something like this:
The XYZ Doohickey Company was founded in 1971, and has been providing quality doohickeys to the public ever since. Located in Gotham City, XYZ employs over 2,000 people and does all kinds of awesome things for the Gotham community.
As a new WordPress user, you should go to your dashboard to delete this page and create new pages for your content. Have fun!
- 10 janvier 2020
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- Posted by admin
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‘’La corde à trois coups ne se rompt pas facilement’’. Tel est le thème de 1ère édition ivoirienne du dîner gala de promotion et de célébration du mariage chrétien dénommé, ‘’Garden celebration’’, initié par la Mission Christ en vous l’espérance de la gloire (Miceg), dirigée par le Révérend pasteur Déborah Kouadio Young et l’évangéliste Samira Ayemou, basée à New York aux Etats unis d’Amérique (Usa).
Qui a eu lieu dans la soirée du samedi 04 janvier 2020, en l’église évangélique Béthanie El Makor d’Adjamé St Michel. En présence du pasteur Bernard Kpangui, leader de ladite église et de plusieurs serviteurs et servantes de Dieu. Dans une ambiance pleine d’émotions marquée par des échanges d’expériences, nourrit par un esprit de solidarité et d’amour, les 72 couples et célibataires ont partagés leurs joies et leurs peines. Avant de poser de présenter [...]
- 10 janvier 2020
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- Posted by admin
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- 10 janvier 2020
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- Posted by admin
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Comme chaque année, le pasteur Déborah Kouadio Young, ivoirienne vivant aux Etats unis d’Amérique, a organisé un grand culte d’action de grâce en faveur des enfants en situation difficile d’Abobo. C’était le dimanche 22 décembre 2019, au centre d’action culturelle d’Abobo.
A cette occasion, la donatrice a offert des cadeaux, un repas et des friandises à 27 enfants pensionnaires du centre Canaan, un orphelinat situé à Abobo Akéïkoi et une dizaine d’enfants de la rue. Le pasteur Déborah, leader de Deborah Ministries, s’est engagé à soutenir cette institution sociale par la mobilisation de bonnes volontés et d’appuis financiers. Plus loin, a situé le sens geste.
« En cette période de fête de noël, nous voulons apporter un peu de joie dans le cœur de ces tout-petits. C’est une manière de leur apporter Jésus-Christ, afin qu’ils l’acceptent et qu’ils grandissent avec lui, qui [...]
- 10 février 2019
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- Posted by admin
- 1 Comment
Ge2/18″It is not good that the man should be alone… » Marriage is God’s invention.It’s the first institution that God establish in the world.He is the developer, producer and film director of the marriage. That said,we must know that the Lord wants all to be married.For he says »It is not good that the man should be alone;I will make him an helper to him ». The loneliness of a person without a spouse is for everyone’s like a vacuum.For God created Man,Male and Female to keep the garden and dominate the world. In this guest of the soul mate,we have the Lord our rating to help us make the appropriate choice for ourselves and our destiny.The Lord has already tell us: »I’ll make him an helper to him » In this research,God God will show us all kinds of persons(« animals »according Geneses) in order to make ourselves known to us our own true and real need.That because sometime we don’t [...]
- 10 février 2019
- Automakers, New Models, Products
- Posted by admin
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Hebrew 5/4″No one chooses for himself the honor of being a high priest.It is only God’s call that a man is made a high priest-just as Aaron was- »
The Lord Jesus when he began his ministry, called the twelve disciples after each other into the service of God.
He said to them, »Follow me, I will make you fishers of men »This in order to prepare them to help Him and to continue his work after his ascension in heaven.
Of all the thousand of the Jews, the Lord Jesus does has only choose twelve .God is the one calls to the ministry.Even our Lord Jesus was called and sent by God according to John 3/16 and Hebrew 4/5.
Let us remember the story of the murmurings of Israelite on the choice of Aaron and his sons as priests.Numbers 17 and 18.
God put a stop to the murmurs and protests by the [...]
- 10 février 2019
- Automakers, Production, Sales
- Posted by admin
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Children are the society of the future.The Lord Jesus is aware, that is why He urged followers not to prevent them from coming to him. Let us know that a society built with children well educated and trained, it is a stable society and a company of the future. God lends children to men, that is to say, to families in order to prepare them to enter into their destiny with the Lord ‘s support.So that they can become men and women in whom God and the society can count on. With manners that degrade more the years, all small children have more than ever need to be led to the Lord Jesus so that he will save them and keep them from Evil one and the vices of this world and brings them to succeed their lives. We therefore invite all to direct the children to God’s churches,to the Sunday…
- 10 février 2019
- Automakers, Production, Sales
- Posted by admin
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Children are the society of the future.The Lord Jesus is aware, that is why He urged followers not to prevent them from coming to him. Let us know that a society built with children well educated and trained, it is a stable society and a company of the future. God lends children to men, that is to say, to families in order to prepare them to enter into their destiny with the Lord ‘s support.So that they can become men and women in whom God and the society can count on. With manners that degrade more the years, all small children have more than ever need to be led to the Lord Jesus so that he will save them and keep them from Evil one and the vices of this world and brings them to succeed their lives. We therefore invite all to direct the children to God’s churches,to the Sunday…