Tag: kids

Posts related to kids

Comme chaque année, le pasteur Déborah Kouadio Young, ivoirienne vivant aux Etats unis d’Amérique, a organisé un grand culte d’action de grâce en faveur des enfants en situation difficile d’Abobo. C’était le dimanche 22 décembre 2019, au centre d’action culturelle d’Abobo.

A cette occasion, la donatrice a offert des cadeaux, un repas et des friandises à 27 enfants pensionnaires du centre Canaan, un orphelinat situé à Abobo Akéïkoi et une dizaine d’enfants de la rue. Le pasteur Déborah, leader de Deborah Ministries, s’est engagé à soutenir cette institution sociale par la mobilisation de bonnes volontés et d’appuis financiers. Plus loin, a situé le sens geste.

« En cette période de fête de noël, nous voulons apporter un peu de joie dans le cœur de ces tout-petits. C’est une manière de leur apporter Jésus-Christ, afin qu’ils l’acceptent et qu’ils grandissent avec lui, qui [...]

Children are the society of the future.The Lord Jesus is aware, that is why He urged followers not to prevent them from coming to him. Let us know that a society built with children well educated and trained, it is a stable society and a company of the future. God lends children to men, that is to say, to families in order to prepare them to enter into their destiny with the Lord ‘s support.So that they can become men and women in whom God and the society can count on. With manners that degrade more the years, all small children have more than ever need to be led to the Lord Jesus so that he will save them and keep them from Evil one and the vices of this world and brings them to succeed their lives. We therefore invite all to direct the children to God’s churches,to the Sunday…

Children are the society of the future.The Lord Jesus is aware, that is why He urged followers not to prevent them from coming to him. Let us know that a society built with children well educated and trained, it is a stable society and a company of the future. God lends children to men, that is to say, to families in order to prepare them to enter into their destiny with the Lord ‘s support.So that they can become men and women in whom God and the society can count on. With manners that degrade more the years, all small children have more than ever need to be led to the Lord Jesus so that he will save them and keep them from Evil one and the vices of this world and brings them to succeed their lives. We therefore invite all to direct the children to God’s churches,to the Sunday…

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