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Hebrew 5/4″No one chooses for himself the honor of being a high priest.It is only God’s call that a man is made a high priest-just as Aaron was- »

The Lord Jesus when he began his ministry, called the twelve disciples after each other into the service of God.
He said to them, »Follow me, I will make you fishers of men »This in order to prepare them to help Him and to continue his work after his ascension in heaven.
Of all the thousand of the Jews, the Lord Jesus does has only choose twelve .God is the one calls to the ministry.Even our Lord Jesus was called and sent by God according to John 3/16 and Hebrew 4/5.
Let us remember the story of the murmurings of Israelite on the choice of Aaron and his sons as priests.Numbers 17 and 18.
God put a stop to the murmurs and protests by the [...]

Hebrew 5/4″No one chooses for himself the honor of being a high priest.It is only God’s call that a man is made a high priest-just as Aaron was- »

The Lord Jesus when he began his ministry,called the twelve disciples after each other into the service of God.
He said to them, »Follow me, I will make you fishers of men »This in order to prepare them to help Him and to continue his work after his ascension in heaven.
Of all the thousand of the Jews, the Lord Jesus does has only choose twelve .God is the one calls to the ministry.Even our Lord Jesus was called and sent by God according to John 3/16 and Hebrew 4/5.
Let us remember the story of the murmurings of Israelite on the choice of Aaron and his sons as priests.Numbers 17 and 18.
God put a stop to the murmurs and protests by the miraculous [...]

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